
'Britannia Insula quae duo regna continet Angliam et Scotiam cum Hibernia adiacente', Rome, 1556.

Money for the Gods - A Secret History of Sacrifice

You can follow the progress of our Pilgrimage through our social media accounts on Instagram, Tiktok, Youtube or via The Vestry's 'Notes' on Substack.

The Pilgrimage is a long-term Art Magic action— or as we prefer to call it, a "Meta-Ritual" —that uncovers and honours our ancestors’ sacrificial and devotional practices with money. Initially focusing on Great Britain's cathedrals and churches the route will eventually extend beyond Albion's borders, encompassing sacred sites from other faiths, religions, and spiritual traditions across the world.

By ‘long-term’ we mean that the Pilgrimage will outlast the lifetimes of those who initiate it. Climate change and its social and political impact will make our task harder the further into the future our journey goes. As it unfolds though, a pattern will emerge. And we hope that those of you able to decipher it will join us — provided, of course, you show respect for both our rituals and the sacred sites we visit.

Please be aware: we don’t want tourists, we want pilgrims. Your willingness to take on the challenge of discovery is a test of this distinction. This is about commitment and intention, not passive consumption.

We will only confirm dates and locations in advance to members of The Vestry. Vestry members are also encouraged to actively participate in uncovering and narrating our ancestors’ sacred practices with money; sacrifices that shaped the old world and helped create our own.

Find out more about joining The Vestry here.