Home Page - Message from High Priest
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We invite you to share in our vision. But before we begin, we ask for just one thing: not your faith or belief, but your acknowledgment that human beings don't know everything. There is mystery.
Whether you see this mystery as part of reality’s fabric (as we do) or as simply the unknown awaiting explanation, it matters not. What’s important is to recognize the role of time. Time amplifies uncertainty. The further we look into the future, the less certain we are about our destination.
This makes crafting a coherent vision challenging. We can speak of love, freedom, equality, justice, and peace to envision humanity's potential, yet we often struggle to agree on where exactly we are headed.
Our vision is less about defining that destination. We focus on the quality of the paths leading from the present moment. And it seems clear that a path of sacred ritual, transforming our relationship with money, holds great promise.
If you would like to help us build this path please consider doing one or more of these five things, today.